Sep 6, 2014

Without any further confirmation, I'm guessing this was a joke.

As an abortion opponent, I agree abortion is detestable and that some of the things abortion advocates may do to rally support for abortion can be just as disgusting. However, we must use common sense, especially when we read things on the internet. Not everything we see or read in cyberspace is real. Sometimes they are jokes, albeit terrible ones, but still jokes. Hearing about a GoFundMe account someone started to pay for an abortion didn't surprise me. The link given on this article is now broken, because apparently the campaign was ended, so I can't see what it actually said myself. But if the description of the campaign on this article did exist, and I do believe it did because a lot of people are just sick like that, I have no choice but to call B.S. on the campaign. It sounds like either a gross joke played by abortion advocates or an attempt by fellow abortion opponents to draw attention to abortion in a deceitful manner. Yes, we want to expose abortion for what it is, but lying to get to that point is not really a smart option. (a site I love and go to often, don't get me wrong) appears to have fallen for the joke. They say that the website for the campaign claimed they were raising funds for a friend who was unexpectedly pregnant and needed to get rid of her fetus. At first, it sounds convincing. They list reasons like how she is broke, scared, and doesn't have a job. Typical reasons pro-aborts give to excuse abortion. Then the reasons start to sound more and more selfish. She has "no desire to raise a child". Another excuse I have heard many times. They claim that sex is not consent for a parasitic fetus to use their bodies and force them to be parents when they don't want to be. Okay. But then we come to other reasons like she can't afford a baby because she needs money for cigarettes and alcohol and going to rock concerts. That's the moment where it hit me...

...I think someone created that campaign to gain attention. Sure, I know there are really some wackos out there who would get an abortion so they can party on, but one of the main goals of the abortion rights movement is make abortion sound necessary, beneficial, and unselfish. This does just the opposite. If by some chance this campaign WAS serious, they would actually be hurting their cause. It would give more credibility to our claim, as pro-lifers, that abortion is done for selfish reasons. I'm not sure if I believe a pro-abort would drive a nail in the coffin of their own cause that way. They are misled and in denial, yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are dumb. In fact, they are known for their sneakiness and clever wordplay. The campaign sounds fake. I don't know this for sure, but it is my guess. It sounds like it was created by someone who is anti-abortion and is going to extreme lengths to prove a point. But here is some advice... we should not lie to prove any points. Lies are what fuels the pro-abortion cause. We are not to follow suit. We are to expose the truth. Making up stories destroys our credibility and gets us nowhere.

Of course, if this campaign was true (and it might be despite my suspicions. I'm not claiming to know the whole truth on this), it's a sign to Christ-followers that the people who created it, particularly the woman seeking abortion, needs serious prayer.

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