So there is debate, even among pro-lifers, about a bill that is being proposed. The bill would require abortion providers to give anesthesia to unborn babies before late term abortions. Some pro-lifers see this as a good thing (primarily those in support of incremental changes) and others think it is more favorable for the pro-choice side of the fence (primarily those who push for full and immediate abolition of abortion). I would say I tend to fall in the middle of the two extremes, believing some incremental changes are significant enough to be happy about while other "changes" are nothing I will celebrate. The abortion anesthesia legislation doesn't fall completely to either side for me, but leans more towards the latter. I get the idea... if abortions are going to be carried out on these poor children, at least give them something to make it less painful. Unlike some radical abolitionist groups (I won't say who, lest I be attacked by anyone for calling them out), I'm not going to point fingers at incrementalists and call them traitors or show up at their churches shaming them. I do see where they are coming from on this bill, and I see the heart behind it all. However, I hardly see this legislation as anything deserving of applause. I don't believe this bill gets the pro-life movement anywhere and I will explain why I feel this way.
Incremental pro-lifers seem to think that, by drawing attention to the fact that unborn babies feel pain at a certain point in pregnancy, it will put the subject of their humanity on the table for discussion. While this may wake some of our fellow Americans to the reality of cold-blooded murder, I don't believe the majority of Americans are really naive enough to believe that a fetus really isn't a person who feels pain or that abortion is not a form of killing. Though they may have rehearsed the lines, "abortion doesn't take a life" over and over to themselves, I'm pretty sure they know the truth. It is the act of putting a human being to death. Basic biology is all that is needed to know here. Being active in the pro-life movement for several years now, I have noticed a disturbing trend among those in the abortion industry. They now know that their "It's not a baby" lie is no longer holding as much water with the American public as it used to while new medical information surfaces surrounding unborn life. But they aren't ready to give up. They are simply changing their game strategy and coming up with new excuses.
1) "Okay, yes, it's a person. But it is a person invading another person's body without their permission."
You are justified in killing someone who intrudes into your home, aren't you? (Although, when you bring up the issue of gun use on invaders or rapists, they tell us to pee on ourselves instead and contradict themselves. Gotta love that.) So, too, they say a woman is justified in killing a person who intrudes into your uterus. As if most women (not including those forcibly raped) didn't do anything to invite the "intruder" in. The unborn child is painted as a monster that has attacked them when they thought they were safe. Women are led to believe that abortion is an act of defense against an attacker. You don't need to believe that the unborn are inhuman or incapable of feeling pain to follow this line of thought. All that is needed is to convince a woman that the child is an enemy. And in a fragile emotional state like a crisis pregnancy, she's likely to believe it.
2) "Abortion is a necessary sacrifice."
In the midst of making a decision on abortion versus carrying to term (after which a woman can raise the child herself or give the child up for adoption), two lives are indeed at stake. Many of them will admit this. Yet there are many circumstances, they say, where one of those lives must be sacrificed for the well-being of the other. I'm not just talking about instances where the mother's health is at risk. Their idea of these circumstances could be anything from financial issues to having too many children already to a woman having a panic attack after finding out she is pregnant. In all of these cases, the mother's life is at stake to them. And the mother's life triumphs over the life in her womb. The choice of a woman to put her own stability and happiness before her child's life is heroic in the pro-choice community. Add in that she did it for the well-being over her already-born children or because she didn't want the unborn child to have a bad life, and I'll be shocked if she doesn't receive a medal of honor. They KNOW it is a life and they know perfectly well there is a possibility that this life feels pain. The pain it is causing the woman and others in her care, though, is far worse from their perspective.
3) "Abortion needs to be available because the world is overpopulated."
We all know that abortion is a prime tool championed by environmentalists who believe that humans are the earth's greatest undoing and that there isn't enough room in the world for 7 billion more people. Many of these people see nothing wrong with abortions being done in mass numbers to keep our population from multiplying. Some even favor a one-child policy in the United States like the one in China. The pain we are causing the earth and its women by "forcing them to breed" children that the world does not have enough food to feed far exceeds the value of an unborn life.
I could be wrong, so don't think that I'm saying I am 100% certain, but I don't think abortion, especially late-term abortion, exists because a whole bunch of people really believe they are just scraping out a mass of cells and tissue. If we reached a point where we could prove with absolute certainty that an unborn child feels pain even from the moment of conception, I don't believe there would be any shortage of abortion advocates parading around with their "Abortion on demand and without apology" and "Keep abortion legal" signs. In fact, I think many of them could use this anesthesia bill as a means for their own gain. How unlikely does the following scenario sound?
"ATTENTION ALL AMERICAN WOMEN! Are you considering an abortion? Do you feel guilty because abortion will cause your unborn child pain and torment? I have good news for you! New legislation allows you to have your unborn baby anesthetized and numbed so that they don't feel a thing! No more guilt! So don't delay... book your appointment with Planned Parenthood today and receive the solution to your tragic pregnancy at taxpayers' expense."
Oh yeah, and you don't really think they are gonna be satisfied with making the women pay for the anesthetics themselves, do you? Even if it starts out that way, it is likely that the money for it will be coming out of your pocket at some point. I don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but taxes are most likely here to stay in this country. And whether or not your taxes are formally earmarked for abortion and the proposed anesthesia for the victimized child or secretly smuggled into abortion funds without you knowing it, it will most likely continue. Jesus wasn't joking when He said the love of many will wax cold. If this bill passes, I'm predicting MORE abortions, both legal and illegal. I can only PRAY that I am wrong and I certainly hope I am. But I've interacted with enough pro-choicers to know how they think and how they twist well-intentioned measures like this for their own benefit.
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